Tuesday, December 20, 2005

seriously, what the f---

I've been dreaming this week......which is not really that abnormal. The abnormal part is that they all have pertained to the new object of my affection.

1. He stabs me in the leg with a butcher's knife, and his roommate laughs at me
2. He tells me sex is purely physical and has nothing to do with our relationship and he can find it anywhere, then I throw an ashtray at his head
3. We're eating pizza in the kitchen, then we're having sex.....endlessly
4.We're out to dinner with some friends, who i don't recognize, then we're driving in the mountains somewhere, then we're at sunday afternoon lunch with my family...only we're at his apartment.

I don't have any idea about these dream analysis things, nor do I know if I believe them. SO, i check them out anyways. These are the interpretations I got

STAB-To dream that you have been stabbed, signifies your struggle with power. You may be experiencing feelings of inadequacy and defensiveness. Alternatively, you may be feeling betrayed as the popular phrase goes, "being stabbed in the back".
To dream that you stab someone, indicates your fear of betrayal and your untrusting nature. You may be too much on the defensive.

LAUGH-To dream that you are laughing, suggests that you need to lighten up and let go of your problems. Don't put so much pressure on yourself. Laughing is also a sign of joyous release and pleasure.
To hear the cheerful laughter of children, denotes splendid joy and vital health.
To hear evil, demonic laughing in your dream, represents feelings of humiliation and/or helplessness.

ANGER-To dream that you are holding or expressing anger, symbolizes frustrations and disappointments in your Self. You tend to repress your negative emotions or project your anger onto others. You need to look within yourself.
Being angry in your dream may have been carried over from your waking life. Dreams can function as a safe outlet where you can express your strong and/or negative emotions. You have some suppressed anger and aggression that you have not consciously acknowledged.

PIZZA-To see or eat pizza in your dream, represents abundance, choices, and variety. It may also indicate that you are lacking or feeling deprived of something.

SEX-To dream about sex, may be your libido's way of telling you that it's been too long since you have had sex. It may indicate repressed sexual desires and your needs for physical and emotional love.

EATING-To see food in your dream, represents physical and emotional nourishment and energies. The different types of food can symbolize a wide range of things. Generally, fruit is symbolic of sensuality. Frozen foods may imply your cold emotions and frigid ways. Eating certain foods refers to qualities that you need to incorporate within your own self.
To dream that you are eating with others, denotes prosperous undertakings, personal gain, and joyous spirits.

DRIVING-To dream that you are driving a vehicle, signifies your life's journey and your path in life. The dream is telling of how you are moving and navigating through life. If you are driving and cannot see the road ahead of you, then it indicates that you do not know where you are headed in life and what you really want to do with yourself. You are lacking direction and goals.
To dream that someone else is driving you, denotes fortune and that you will profit from your superior knowledge and ingenuity. If you are driving from the passenger side of a car, then it suggests that you are trying to gain control of the path that your life is taking. You are beginning to make your own decisions.

So, after reading all of these interpretations and pyscho-therapy stuff...I still have no conclusion.
Maybe it is merely an overactive imagination going to work, or maybe it really is my sub-concious trying to tell me that I am insecure and scared. Who knows.


Lance said...

What you have to remember about dreams is that everything in the dream is only a projection of you. For instance, say someone like so and so's roommate laughs at you. He didn't actually laugh at you. It's actually a little piece of your own ethos laughing at it's self.

I think the best way to determine what things mean in a dream, is to rehash the dream over and over, and decide how you are feeling. Did you laugh about the stabbing as well, or were you embarrassed and angery? Who were you laughing with, or who were you angery with. The person laughing, the person that did the stabbing, or yourself for not seeing it comming?

As far as sex dreams go. I personally take them as bonus porn. Only its way better than the porn you can buy because your brain knows just how you like it. But endless fucking? That sounds strangely unpleasant. Like a job or an addiction. I don't know. Perhaps sex signifies a pleasure outside of itself that you are missing out on. Like...... a really great conversation or prayer.

Finally my own two cents.

I know that whenever I'm without employment my self confidence goes right down the drain. I'll bet some of what your feeling is due to the fact that your unemployed and feeling a little dependent on the people around you. This could be a hard place to be for an "Independent Woman that doesn't need anybody's help".

Hope you had a Merry Christmas. See you and J.W. in a day or so.


sassinak said...

well... i'm pretty sure the roomie would at least give you first aid before he started laughing? make sure you weren't dying or something *grin*

i like lsd's two cents... because the other thing that beings unemployed does to one is give them endless amounts of time to rehash life/love/happiness/etc and often i find that it's good for you in small doses but after a while it gets strange.

then again, i don't remember my dreams... but i have experienced conversation with someone and having sort of 'sex flashes' which are like little mental images of you and the person you're talking to having really awesome sex.

and then you have to try and keep a straight face!

beaus said...

I pretty much just figured that it was the fact that i'm getting restless about not having a job and it is kind of scary being into a semi-serious relationship again...we'll see