Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The sun is out today and I've been taking full advantage of the sense of getting something done. I woke up this morning to shake JW and tell him he was late for work. His alarm had been going off for quite some time and I was annoyed, seeing that it was 3 a.m. and I had fallen asleep merely an hour previous, So...i took some advice and shut it off. He was quite displeased. So, in order to help a little I pulled myself out of bed and made him a pot of coffee. I layed in bed and watched a movie hoping to drift back to sleep, no such luck. So, instead I got out of bed and commenced cleaning the disaster zone that is our humble abode. Dishes done, floors scrubbed, both fishtanks cleaned, and it's only 10:30 a.m. Now I've decided that I may actually start the project on sanding and painting our rooms that we've been discussing for quite a while. I figure it might motivate JW, or I'll just spend the next few weeks wrapping up the quite large project.

*side note* this blog is probably going to take all day, as I'll leave the screen up as I make my way through the day.

Two pots of coffee later, I've managed to take a shower and thought about scrubbing the bathroom and cleaning it. Nah. The motivation is running thin, and I still have to work tonight on a 120 person banquet, so I should conserve some energy. It's off to lunch with a buddy and then to home depot for some paint and supplies.

$120 in paint supplies and another 20 in cleaning supplies later, I am home. My eyes hurt and my nose started bleeding due to the excessive amounts of inhaled Lysol mold remover. I was smart enough to wear a mas thingy and glasses, since I'm told mold dust is no good. I can't tell if it's me or the house that stinks, or if it's just still in my pores. The ceiling looks great, no more mold designs. For mold growth, though, they still kind of looked pretty cool. I bought a sage color for the top half, and a white-ish color for the bottom....neithere were what I expected, the green was too minty green-ish, and the white was way more white than I had anitcipated. Either way, it will achieve the goal of making it bright and cheery in there. I accidentally gave my mother permission to come help with the painting. As if that isn't a bad enough thing in itself (spending 5 hours with my mother) JW will be home and he won't be allowed to smoke in the house all morning....and he has to spend 5 hours with my mother.
So, now I get to wander through the house inspecting every little crook for condom wrappers, cigarette butts, ash trays, beer bottles, beer boxes, beer caps.....etc. To remove them from plain view to prevent the inevitable breakdown of my mother. It's gonna happen, she's gonna see it face to face someday, just not this day.

Now, it's off to work for 5 hours. Actually, I only have to work about an hour and a half of it due to a banquet, and i'll get to come home with a hundred bucks for refilling some drinks and clearing some plates. Life is good.

oh. one of JW's fish died.


Lance said...


Sounds like you did a lot of work today. Enough to make your nose start bleeding. I'm impressed. I'll miss those mold designs. Ahhhh.... The sun is a wonderful thing.

beaus said...

The bathroom is painted. YEAH!!!
Dance hall, dance hall!!!

Lance said...


Dance hall every night.

We are here today to morn the loss of our beloved blue stripy fish. He was not only a fish and a pet but a dear friend. We will miss you so much Stripy fish.


At least he went out in style to a freshly painted laboritory.

beaus said...

The blue stripy fish will prevail. There is an empty tank just waiting to be taken over by his brethren.